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If you’re looking to strengthen your glutes, you may have heard of frog pumps. This exercise has gained popularity in recent years, and for a good reason: it is highly effective in targeting the muscles in your lower body.

frog pumps

But what exactly are frog pumps, and how can you incorporate them into your workout routine? This guide will provide you with everything you need to know about this exercise, from its benefits to the variations you can try.

You’ll learn about the science behind frog pumps and how they can help you build a better booty and improve your athletic performance.

Additionally, we’ll cover the common mistakes people make when doing this exercise and how to avoid them.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, this guide will help you get the most out of frog pumps and take your glute workouts to the next level.

So, let’s dive in and discover everything there is to know about this powerful exercise!

Understanding Frog Pumps

The primary focus of this exercise is to target the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in your posterior chain, by isolating it through a unique range of motion.

Dr. Contreras, also known as “The Glute Guy,” has spent years researching and experimenting with various exercises to understand their impact on glute development. His findings have shown that frog pumps, when done correctly, can significantly contribute to the growth and strength of the glutes.

Anatomy of the frog pump

The frog pump is a glute bridge variation that involves lying flat on your back with your feet pressed together and your knees flared out to the sides.

This distinctive position alters the biomechanics of the exercise, effectively engaging the gluteus maximus and minimizing the involvement of other muscle groups like the hamstrings and lower back.

As a result, frog pumps can be an excellent addition to your workout routine, especially if you’re looking to focus on glute development.

Advantages of Incorporating Frog Pumps into Your Routine

There are many benefits to adding frog pumps to your workout routine, and the most important ones are listed below.

  1. Boosts gluteal definition: Frog pumps effectively target the gluteal muscles, helping to improve muscle tone and definition. By consistently incorporating this exercise into your routine, you’ll notice a more sculpted and well-rounded appearance in your glutes.
  2. Develops power and speed: As an isolation exercise that focuses on glute activation, frog pumps can contribute to increased power and speed in lower body movements. Strong glutes are essential for explosive strength in activities such as sprinting, jumping, and lifting heavy weights.
  3. Glute isolation for maximum activation: Frog pumps specifically target the glute muscles, ensuring maximum activation and engagement. This makes them a fantastic glute workout option for those looking to improve their glute isolation and focus on developing this key muscle group.
  4. Increases flexibility and corrects posture: The butterfly stretch position in frog pumps helps to open up the hips and increase flexibility. Improved hip mobility can lead to better posture and reduced muscle imbalances, helping to prevent lower back pain and other common issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Effective rehab exercises for injured athletes: Due to their low-impact nature, frog pumps can serve as a helpful rehabilitation exercise for those recovering from lower body injuries. The focus on glute activation and hip mobility allows for a safe and controlled way to rebuild strength and flexibility during the recovery process.
  6. Versatile and accessible workout option: Frog pumps are a versatile exercise that can be performed virtually anywhere, requiring minimal equipment and space. As a bodyweight workout, they are suitable for beginners and experienced athletes alike, with options to increase intensity through additional resistance or variations.
How Big Can Glutes Grow Naturally

So, in short, these are main advantages:

Boosts gluteal definitionImproves muscle tone and definition in glutes, resulting in a more sculpted appearance.
Develops power and speedContributes to increased lower body power and speed in activities like sprinting, jumping, and heavy lifting.
Glute isolation for activationTargets the glute muscles specifically, ensuring maximum activation and engagement.
Increases flexibility & postureOpens up hips and increases flexibility, leading to better posture and reduced muscle imbalances.
Effective rehab exerciseLow-impact nature makes it a helpful rehab exercise for those recovering from lower body injuries.
Versatile and accessible workoutRequires minimal equipment and space, making it suitable for beginners and experienced athletes with variations.

Incorporating frog pumps into your routine offers numerous benefits; embrace this effective and accessible exercise to take your glute workouts to the next level and achieve your dream body.

To better understand all these benefits, we will talk about the muscles involved in frog pumps.

Muscles Targeted by Frog Pumps

There are two groups of muscles engaged in frog pumps: the gluteal muscles and the hip joint muscles. But in this case, we will focus on the gluteal muscles.

Primary muscle groups

Frog pumps primarily target the gluteus maximus muscles, the largest and strongest muscles in the posterior chain, responsible for hip extension, external rotation, and posterior pelvic tilt.

This exercise is designed to effectively engage the glute muscles, contributing to growth and improved athletic performance.

Secondary muscle groups

Along with the gluteus maximus, frog pumps also involve secondary muscle groups such as the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, which are crucial pelvic stabilizer muscles.

These muscles aid in hip abduction and rotation during the exercise. Furthermore, the adductor muscles in the inner thighs and the erector spinae muscles in the lower back provide stability and support throughout the movement.

The reason why this is important to note is that in addition to building more muscular definition and strength, it helps improve posture and core stability, both of which are essential for overall health.

With this in mind, we will go over step-by-step instructions on how to properly perform frog pumps.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Frog Pumps

Instructions could be divided into three stages.

1. Setup and positioning

  • To begin, find a comfortable space and lay an exercise mat on the floor.
  • Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the mat.
  • Bring the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to fall out to the sides, creating the butterfly or frog position.
  • Your feet should be close to your glutes, and your arms can rest at your sides or on your stomach.

When you are ready, start the exercise.

2. Execution and technique

  • Initiate the movement by pressing your feet together and engaging your gluteal muscles.
  • Lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement.
  • Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Keep your head and neck relaxed, maintaining eye contact with the ceiling to avoid straining.
  • Lower your hips back down to the starting position in a controlled manner, ensuring your glutes remain engaged throughout the entire movement.

3. Breathing and tempo

Proper breathing is crucial for effective frog pumps.

Inhale as you lower your hips to the ground, and exhale as you lift your hips, engaging your glutes.

This breathing pattern ensures that you maintain stability and control during the exercise.

Regarding tempo, aim for a slow and controlled movement pattern, focusing on the activation and engagement of your glute muscles. Avoid using momentum or bouncing at the bottom of the movement, as this can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and increase the risk of injury.

By focusing on proper form and technique, you can avoid common mistakes and get the most out of this glute-based exercise.

If it’s easier to visualize the entire process via video, check this out:

As you progress, consider incorporating weighted frog pumps or other compound exercises, such as goblet squats and deadlift variations, to further challenge your glutes and promote muscle growth. But let’s check out some of the expert tips before we go any further.

Expert Advice to Maximize Frog Pump Exercise

We can maximize the effectiveness of this exercise by following a few simple tips.

  1. Enhancing mind-muscle connection: To get the most out of frog pumps, focus on establishing a strong mind-muscle connection with your glutes. Visualize the target muscle working and concentrate on contracting your glutes throughout the exercise. This conscious engagement ensures that you’re targeting the right muscles and getting the most out of each repetition.
  2. Optimal rep ranges and sets: When performing frog pumps, aim for 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps for beginners. More advanced lifters may benefit from higher rep ranges (20-30 reps) or incorporating additional resistance, such as resistance bands or ankle weights. As with any exercise, the key is to find the rep range and resistance level that challenge your muscles without compromising form.
  3. Maintaining proper form and technique throughout the exercise: Proper form is essential for an effective workout and to prevent injury. Keep your feet close to your glutes, press the soles of your feet together, and ensure your knees remain in line with your hips. As you lift your hips, maintain eye contact with the ceiling, and avoid arching your lower back. Engage your core and glutes throughout the entire movement, focusing on a slow and controlled tempo.
  4. Gradually increasing the number of reps and sets over time: Consistent progress is crucial for muscle growth and improved performance. Gradually increase the number of reps and sets over time, ensuring you continue to challenge your muscles. As you become more comfortable with frog pumps, consider incorporating variations, such as weighted frog pumps or other compound movements, to further stimulate your glutes and promote overall lower body strength.

By following expert advice and incorporating these tips into your frog pump exercise routine, you can effectively target your gluteal muscles, enhance your mind-muscle connection, and ensure an efficient and safe workout.

Remember to maintain proper form, adjust your rep ranges and sets according to your fitness level, and progressively increase the challenge to get the most out of this fantastic glute-focused exercise.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Frog Pump Execution

Knowing step-by-step how to execute frog pumps correctly is only half the battle. To maximize the effectiveness of this exercise, it’s important to avoid common pitfalls that can reduce its effectiveness and increase your risk of injury.

Sore Glutes

Here are some of the most common mistakes:

  1. Overloading with excessive weight: While it’s essential to challenge yourself in your workouts, adding too much weight too soon can lead to injury and decreased effectiveness. Focus on perfecting your form and gradually increasing resistance through progression, such as using resistance bands or a weighted vest.
  2. Sacrificing form for speed: Rushing through the frog pump exercise can compromise your form and reduce its effectiveness. Prioritize maintaining proper technique throughout the entire movement, ensuring full hip extension and glute engagement. This will help you achieve optimal strength gains and avoid injury.
  3. Neglecting a proper warm-up: Performing any exercise without a proper warm-up increases the risk of injury and can hinder performance. Before executing frog pumps, engage in a dynamic warm-up routine that targets your hip muscles and prepares your body for the upcoming workout. This can include exercises such as leg swings, glute bridges, and bodyweight squats.
  4. Inconsistent range of motion: A common mistake in performing frog pumps is using an inconsistent range of motion. To maximize glute activation, ensure that you maintain a full range of motion throughout the exercise. This includes lowering your hips to just above the ground and extending them fully at the top of the movement.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you’ll be better equipped to perform frog pumps safely and effectively.

Paying attention to proper form, warming up, and maintaining a consistent range of motion will help you reap the benefits of this versatile and highly effective glute exercise.

Expanding Your Glute Workout with Frog Pump Variations and Alternatives

If you want to mix up your glute workout and maximize your results, there are a variety of frog pump variations you can incorporate. These include:

Banded frog pump

Adding a resistance band to your frog pumps can increase the intensity of the exercise and further engage the gluteal muscles. Place the band around your thighs, just above your knees, and perform the frog pump as usual, ensuring proper form and technique.

A common misconception is that using a resistance band will make the frog pump easier. In reality, the band increases the intensity of the exercise and engages the gluteal muscles more effectively.

Dumbbell or barbell frog pump

To increase the load of the frog pump exercise, place a dumbbell or barbell across your hips. This added weight challenges your glutes, promoting muscle growth and strength gains. Ensure you maintain proper form and technique throughout the movement.

Some people believe that adding weight to frog pumps will compromise the form and target the lower back muscles instead. However, if done correctly, adding weight challenges the glutes without straining the lower back.

Elevated frog pump

Performing frog pumps with your upper back on an elevated surface, such as a bench, increases the range of motion and further engages your glute muscles. Ensure you maintain proper hip position and full extension throughout the movement.

People often assume that elevating the upper body during frog pumps will strain the lower back. However, if proper form is maintained, this variation increases the range of motion without causing discomfort.

Feet-elevated frog pump

Elevate your feet on a platform, bench, or step to increase the range of motion and target different muscle fibers within the glutes. This variation can help enhance your glute workout by challenging your muscles from a new angle.

Some people think that feet-elevated frog pumps mainly target the hamstrings and not the glutes. When performed correctly, this variation emphasizes the glute muscles and increases the range of motion.

Incorporating these frog pump variations and alternatives into your glute workout can help you achieve a well-rounded, intense exercise routine.

By adding resistance, adjusting your positioning, or targeting specific muscle fibers, you can enhance the effectiveness of the frog pump exercise and achieve a stronger, more sculpted posterior.

But if you want to really level up your booty gains, then you need to add other exercises to your routine.

Other Frog Pump Complementary Glute Exercises

On top of the frog pump variations, there are plenty of other exercises to target your glutes. Here are a few top examples:

  1. Glute bridge: The glute bridge is an excellent activation exercise for targeting the gluteal muscles. It shares similarities with the frog pump exercise, but the feet are positioned hip-width apart and the knees remain parallel. This exercise is perfect for beginners, as it isolates and engages the glutes while maintaining a safe and stable position.
  2. Hip thrust: The hip thrust is a more intense exercise compared to Normal Glute Bridges. It involves an elevated starting position with the shoulders resting on a bench or other stable surface. This additional height increases the range of motion, which further engages the glutes and builds strength.
  3. Romanian deadlift: The Romanian deadlift is a popular compound exercise that targets the hip muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, and erector muscles. By maintaining a slightly bent-over position and engaging the hip hinge, this exercise effectively develops the posterior chain and complements frog pump exercises.
  4. Bulgarian split squat: This single-leg exercise is a variation of traditional split squats. The rear foot is elevated on a bench or other sturdy surface, which increases the intensity and range of motion. Bulgarian Split Squats engage the glutes, quads, and hamstrings, making them an excellent complementary exercise to frog pumps.
  5. Lateral band walk: The lateral band walk is a functional exercise that targets the hip abductor muscles, including the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius. This exercise helps to correct muscle imbalances and promotes stability in frontal plane motion. It pairs well with frog pumps to create a well-rounded glute workout.
  6. Cable pull through: Cable pull through is a popular cable glute exercise that targets the gluteal muscles and hamstrings. By maintaining a bent-over position and pulling the cable through the legs, this exercise effectively activates the posterior chain. It complements frog pumps and other glute-focused exercises, adding variety to your exercise arsenal.

Incorporating these complementary glute exercises into your personalized workout plan will help you achieve a well-rounded, effective workout.

By targeting different muscle groups and movement patterns, you can build strong glutes, improve body mobility, and reduce the risk of injuries. Remember to maintain proper form and technique throughout each exercise and listen to your body’s signals when progressing in intensity or resistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

After reading the above information about frog pumps, you may still have some questions about this exercise. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you better understand the benefits and proper execution of frog pumps.

How often should I perform frog pumps for optimal results?

Generally, you can include frog pumps in your workout routine 2-3 times per week, allowing at least 48 hours of rest between sessions for proper muscle recovery.

If your primary goal is glute activation and warm-up, you can perform frog pumps more frequently as part of your warm-up routine before other lower body exercises.

However, if your focus is on building glute strength and size, incorporating progressive overload with added resistance, increasing the number of sets and reps, and integrating other glute exercises is essential.

As with any exercise, it’s crucial to listen to your body and adjust the frequency and intensity accordingly.

If you experience excessive soreness or discomfort, consider reducing the frequency or intensity to allow for proper recovery.

Can I add weights to my frog pumps?

Yes, you can add weights to your frog pumps to increase the intensity and challenge of the exercise.

Using weights can help promote muscle growth and strength gains in your glutes. There are a few ways to add weights to your frog pumps:

1. Dumbbell: Place a dumbbell on your lower abdomen or pelvic area, holding it in place with your hands during the exercise. Ensure the weight is secure and comfortable, and maintain proper form throughout the movement.

2. Resistance bands: Loop a resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees. This will create tension and resistance as you perform the frog pump, requiring your glutes to work harder to maintain the proper form.

When adding weights to your frog pumps, start with a manageable weight and focus on maintaining proper form and technique.

Gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable with the exercise and build strength in your glutes. Always prioritize form and control over the amount of weight used to avoid injury and ensure optimal results.

Are there any precautions to take when performing frog pumps during pregnancy?

It is always recommended to consult with your doctor or a qualified prenatal fitness expert before engaging in any exercise during pregnancy.

In general, frog pumps are a low-impact glute exercise that can be performed during pregnancy with some modifications and precautions. Here are a few considerations:

1. Listen to your body: If you experience any discomfort, pain, or dizziness, stop the exercise immediately and consult your doctor.

2. Modify the exercise: As your belly grows, you may need to adjust the positioning of your legs and feet to ensure comfort and safety. You may also consider reducing the range of motion or using body weight only instead of adding weights.

3. Focus on form: Pay extra attention to maintaining proper form and engaging your core muscles to support your spine and pelvis during the exercise.

4. Avoid overstretching: Relaxin, a hormone released during pregnancy, can cause your ligaments to become more flexible. Be cautious not to overstretch or push your range of motion too far.

5. Prioritize safety: Always prioritize safety when exercising during pregnancy. If you are unsure whether frog pumps are appropriate for you or if you have any concerns, consult your doctor or a prenatal fitness professional.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and your ability to perform certain exercises may change as your pregnancy progresses. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting or continuing an exercise program during pregnancy.

Can frog pumps help improve flexibility in the hips?

Yes, frog pumps can help improve flexibility in the hips.

The exercise requires you to adopt a frog position, where the soles of your feet are pressed together and your knees are spread wide apart.

This position is similar to the butterfly stretch, which is known for increasing hip flexibility.

As you perform frog pumps, you move through a range of motion that engages the hip muscles, including the gluteal muscles and hip abductors.

This movement can help improve flexibility and mobility in the hip joint as well as strengthen the surrounding muscles.

Can frog pumps help alleviate lower back pain?

Frog pumps can potentially help alleviate lower back pain by targeting and strengthening the gluteal muscles.

Weak or underactive glutes can contribute to lower back pain because they are responsible for stabilizing the pelvis and supporting the lower back.

When the glutes are weak, other muscles, such as the lower back muscles and hip flexors, may become strained and overworked, leading to discomfort and pain.

By performing frog pumps and other glute-strengthening exercises, you can help activate and strengthen the gluteal muscles, which in turn may provide better support for your lower back and help alleviate pain.

Can frog pumps be done as part of a rehabilitation program for individuals recovering from injuries?

Yes, frog pumps can be incorporated into a rehabilitation program for individuals recovering from injuries, particularly those involving the lower body or the gluteal muscles.

Frog pumps are a low-impact exercise that isolates the gluteal muscles, making them an excellent choice for rehab programs targeting hip and glute strength, mobility, and stability.

However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a physical therapist or an orthopedic specialist, before including frog pumps in a rehabilitation program.

The professional will be able to assess the individual’s specific needs and injury history, ensuring that the exercise is appropriate and safe for their particular condition.

In some cases, modifications or alternative exercises may be recommended, depending on the severity of the injury and the individual’s current level of strength and mobility.

What are the benefits of frog pumps for women specifically?

Frog pumps offer several benefits for women specifically, including the following:

1. Gluteal muscle development: Frog pumps are an effective exercise for targeting the gluteal muscles, helping women develop a toned and well-rounded appearance in their glutes.

2. Posture improvement: Strong gluteal muscles contribute to better posture, which can alleviate lower back pain and reduce the risk of injury.

3. Pelvic floor strength: Frog pumps can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which is particularly beneficial for women who have given birth or are experiencing issues related to pelvic floor dysfunction.

4. Improved hip stability: Strengthening the gluteal muscles through exercises like frog pumps can enhance hip stability and mobility, leading to better overall functional movement and a reduced risk of injury.

5. Enhanced athletic performance: Strong glutes contribute to power and speed in various sports and physical activities, helping women improve their athletic performance.

6. Injury prevention: By targeting the gluteal muscles and promoting hip stability, frog pumps can help women prevent common lower body injuries such as knee and hip issues.

7. Low impact: Frog pumps are a low-impact exercise, making them suitable for women of all fitness levels, including those recovering from injuries or experiencing joint pain.

Remember that while frog pumps offer specific benefits for women, they are also an excellent exercise for anyone looking to strengthen their gluteal muscles and improve overall lower body function.

What are some common misconceptions about frog pumps that need to be corrected?

There are several common misconceptions about frog pumps that need to be addressed:

1. Only for women: Some people believe that frog pumps are only beneficial for women. In reality, this exercise is suitable for anyone looking to strengthen their gluteal muscles and improve overall lower body function.

2. Solely a glute-building exercise: While frog pumps primarily target the glutes, they also engage the hamstrings, lower back, and core muscles, making them a well-rounded lower body exercise.

3. Not effective for muscle growth: Some individuals may think that frog pumps are not effective for building muscle mass. However, when performed correctly and with progressive overload, they can indeed promote muscle growth in the targeted areas.

4. Only a warm-up or activation exercise: Although frog pumps are often used as a warm-up or activation exercise, they can also be integrated into a workout as a primary or accessory movement to target the glutes.

5. No need for progression: Like any other exercise, frog pumps should be performed with progression, either by increasing the number of reps or sets, or by adding resistance, such as bands or weights.

6. Form doesn’t matter: Proper form and technique are crucial for the effectiveness of frog pumps. Incorrect form can lead to reduced muscle activation and potential injuries.

7. Frog pumps can replace other glute exercises: Although frog pumps are an excellent addition to a glute-focused workout, they should not replace other compound and isolation exercises that target the glutes, such as hip thrusts, glute bridges, and squats.

It’s essential to approach frog pumps with the correct understanding and proper technique to ensure their effectiveness and safety while incorporating them into your fitness routine.


Frog pumps are an incredibly beneficial exercise for anyone looking to strengthen their gluteal muscles and improve overall lower body function.

When done with proper form and technique, they can help improve posture, enhance hip stability, prevent injuries, increase athletic performance, and provide low-impact exercise.

However, there are some misconceptions about frog pumps that need to be addressed in order to ensure their safety and effectiveness.

By understanding the correct way to perform frog pumps and incorporating them into your routine with progressive overload, you can reap the full benefits of this exercise.

This is an incredible bodyweight exercise that should be part of any glute-focused routine. It engages glute muscle fibers, and it’s an amazing add-on to a leg day workout routine.

So, what are you waiting for? Give frog pumps a try and experience the benefits for yourself!